Too many feral cats in your community with no end in sight, they just keep multiplying? It's time for the Com Cat Caregiver solution that turns feral Toms and Moms into "Coms": Community Cats Traditional Feral Cat Eradication Program Considerations: from ASPCA Trap-Neuter-Return-Monitor (TNRM) "Ideally, the management of community cats should include trapping, scanning for the presence of a microchip, vaccination, sterilization, ear “tipping” (surgical removal of the tip of one ear as a visible sign that the cat has been sterilized), microchipping (when feasible), returning the cat to its original location, and caregiver(s) monitoring and caring for the colony, e.g., ensuring the cats receive adequate food, water and shelter. Sterilization not only prevents birth, but also largely eliminates the objectionable spraying, vocalizing and fighting behaviors of cats in the colony. TNRM programs should only return the cats if they ...